Saturday, January 3, 2009

No working Title, A Short Story by The Dark Poet Byron

Chapter 1 . A False Start

Moonlight falls on barren streets as Michael walks under the street lights. The club is far from his flat in Stellenbosch. Too far for a tipsy person to walk but hey, its not like he is bothered. He sparks up a smoke and he makes his way down the road. Little did he know that this would be the last time his nights would be so calm.
Deep in thought as he walks. He hears a low rumbling coming from behind him. The cold morning air strikes his lungs as his cellphone lights up his face saying three am. He ignores the rumbling at his back. Who ever it is can just pass him, its not like he cares. Its coming closer. Growing ever louder. Michael is swaying in the middle of the road without a care in the world, The brakes screech behind him as a white VW Golf Gti plows into him at 90km/h.
Michael is barely aware as he flies over the windshield, smashing his head with a clean gash and lands 4 meters behind the car. A young woman jumps out of the car and runs to him screaming and shaking him. He slips in and out of consciousness as the woman frantically dials Nedcare 911, whispering gently in his ear. “Everything is gonna be okay. I’m here.” Blue and red lights fill the street as Michael is prepped and loaded inside the the ambulance. The young lady sitting at his side crying gently on his arm. The paramedic ask the young lady her name and she responds. “ My name is Amy, my name is Amy.”
Amy sits in the waiting room as the ER team tries desperately to save Michael’s life. His heart beat is faint but it s steady. She says a silent prayer for this stranger she hit in the dead of night. “Please don’t let him die, God, please don’t let him die.” After about three nerve racking hours the sun creeps through the veil of night and lights up Amy’s tear filled eyes as the doctor emerges from the ER. He walks over to Amy and says, “He is gonna live.” Amy runs over to the room that housed Michael’s broken body and sighs a great sence of relief.
Michael’s eyes are sore as he tries to open them as the sunlight falls into his room. He sees a young blue eyed girl sitting at his bedside. He stutters to talk. His mouth is so dry. He asks her name. “ Excuse me, who are you Miss?” The girl looks up and with tears in her eyes she says. “ Hi, my name is Amy, you were in a car accident last night.” Michael stunned by the honest tears flowing from her eyes. Stares deeply without speaking.
He takes her hand and says.” I forgive you, Amy. Because as I see you now, I am mesmerized.” Amy squeezes Michael’s hand tighter and says. “ We who met in screeching night. Were meant to meet this very night.” The sunlight fell on them both as they stared, silent and peaceful. Caught in a moment they never wanted to leave…..

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